For parents /Для Родителей
Parents, be a great lead for your children. You teach them, you shape their lives, make them strong!
We highly encourage you to read Bible stories with your children. This opens great opportunities to explain many important things to them, e.g.:
- God's love and relationships with people
- God's power and all-mightiness, faith and miracles
- The nature and origins of a sin and God's Great plan in saving people from it
"Вникай в себя и в учение, занимайся сим постоянно; ибо, так поступая, и себя спасёшь и слушающих тебя" (1 Тим. 4:16).
We recommend:
Starting at age of 2(3), in your everyday's storytelling and teaching, use your children's language to tell them about these moments :
- The Creation
- Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel
- Noah, Abraham and their willing to seek God
- Jacob and his 12 sons, Joseph and his great heart!, (Judah - David - Jesus)
- Moses and Exodus
- David and Solomon
- The Prophets
- Jesus, Apostles, Holy Spirit
- Our GENERATION, Everyday's 'WAR' in our hearts, EFFORTS we need to apply to be SAVED.